


products and contents

About the Gallery

Fy n’Ghariad Gallery is a pop-up gallery born in 2024 in Barcelona. Her founder, Nuria Velasco Blaya, is a former student of Law who did not finished the degree and departed to the UK with a EU grant to study art, design and film. She complemented her education with studies in editorial multimedia, business, accessibility and culture management.

The project has been incubated with many interruptions, with the aim to reach using artistic communication where laws have not yet reached. The gallery aims to specialise in Artivism, by producing contents of all kinds, distributing them and selling them. It will open doors only when campaigns are ready, therefore is not a traditional gallery. In artivism, wants to find a methodology and format compromised with society that designs practical mechanisms that can help citizens and politicians.

Fy n’Ghariad means “love” in Welsh, and that is precisely the angle from which it wants to build contents, from a fraternal aptitude connected, at the same time, with other cultures in danger of extinction.

Nuria Cariad

About the Artivist

Latest Exhibition: The Flowers of Sunon
18-10-24 | 25-2-25



The Artivism of Nuria Cariad

The campaign of the Sunon was conceptualised in three branches of contents. Firstly, the participatory website of the Sunon using the branch of Design Futures. Secondly, the exhibition at a gallery of The Flowers of Sunon, using the Fine Arts and Fashion branches. Thirdly, the edition of an Artistic book.

The Sunon


Artivist Design Futures website published on March the 18th, 2022 in Barcelona. The aim was for people to get in touch with their councils in Catalonia, and ask them to build Sunons in their municipalities. The Sunons are infrastructures of solar panels installed at different placements, like abandoned places, facades, roofs, terrains,…of municipal property, in order to generate green social energy for their neighbours. Therefore, the municipal basis and neighbours organisation are key to obtain the energy sovereignty that Sunon talks about.

The Flowers of Sunon

In this second delivery of work, the collection is of 9 fine art work pieces and 1 fashion piece.

Here we show you a sample of the exhibition:

The Roses of Barcelona

October 2022

At the roundabout crossing Passeig de Gracia and Gran Via of Barcelona, Cariad found the perfect inspiration for the perfect beauty of the symmetrical and organised architecture, the wide space to breathe and the great trapped quantity of light on this busy intersection. The perfect place for the growth of symbolic roses holding hands in sardana, that open the beginning of a great film, the film about the social energy revolution.

The Narcissus of Girona

February 2023

At the square of 1 de Octubre in Girona, which used to be the Constitution square before the Catalan Process, the artivist raises 4 especially symbolic narcissus. The narcissus of Cariad are carmic monuments of energetic protection for the gironian people. Girona has precisely San Narcissus as a patron, however this is another narcissus. There is the vain Narcissus of popular culture, Narcissus the Saint, the karmic Narcissus of Cariad, and Narcissus the flower.


February 2024

A non-organic entity becomes an organic one. Is the moment in which the solar panels implementation in the buildings becomes the most natural form of life and coexistence.

The third delivery of work, the book, will be sold on demand. You can register your interest and we will let you know when we have it published and the pricing.


Carrer Pou de la Riera 6-8 ground floor 1
08006 Barcelona


Mondays: 16:30 – 20
Tuesdays to Saturdays: 9-13 and 16:30-20